How many types of Software Testing?

Software Testing is not a single thing. Testing is the process of accomplishing a program to find errors. For good performance, it should be error-free. If testing is done the right way, it will remove all errors from the software. Start your career at Software Testing Institute in Greater Noida. In this blog, you read the types of software testing.

Types of Software Testing:-

  • Integration Testing:- The objective is to take unit-tested portions and build a program structure dominated by design. Integration Testing is testing in which a group of components produces output. 

  • Smoke Testing:- The test makes sure that the software under testing is stable or ready for further testing. It’s called a smoke test because the first test is to check the ignition switch for flammability or smoke.

  • Unit Testing:- It is the focus on the smallest unit of software testing. In this, we test an individual unit of associates units. It is used by the programmer as a sample input to observe its outputs.

  • Regression Testing:- Energy time a new module is added to change the program. This testing makes sure that whole components work properly or not even after adding components to the complete program.

  • Stress Testing: We give the adverse conditions in the system and test how they work under these conditions.

  • Alpha Testing:- This is verification-type testing. It is a type of acceptance testing done before the product is released to customers. 

  • Beta Testing:- Users of the software can conduct beta testing at one or more outlets. This version was released for a limited number of real-world tests.

  • Objected-oriented:- This determines the objective. This is the combination of various testing techniques that help to verify and confirm object-oriented software.


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